Why Does Reality Exist?

Mystical Experience, Spiritual Awakening, and Divine Consciousness

When did Reality “begin”? When will it “end”?

Was there ever an actual “start” to this whole vision we find ourselves in? And if there was a “start”, was there a realm outside of time & space… what sometimes people refer to as “before the Big Bang” (misnomer, as there is no “before” but rather a timeless state of existence)?

Either way, it’s incredible to think of the possibility that Reality is of an eternal and infinite essence, somehow partaking in timeless and location-less non-form.

If that is the case, we are like temporary specks of “awakening” or “aliveness” within an imaginary dream-like sea that stretches infinitely long in all directions–both spatially and temporally.

When we die, is it like we re-open ourselves to this dimension-less essence? What would that look like? What would that feel like?

If we are all sourced from this abstract essence, don’t we all return to it? Aren’t we always interconnected with it? Is it like we can never depart from it, for we are one with it?

Oh God as Ultimate Reality, how magical your existence is!