We are all born with a certain window on the world. Through that window, we interpret the world around us and form a view on Self & Reality, however conscious of it or not we are. It is only when we depart from that window, and take on a “new perspective”, that the world starts to magically transform in front of us. For some, it may be a gradual shift, but, for others, in spiritual awakening, it can be a very abrupt shift accompanied with significant cognitive dissonance afterwards upon “return” to this-worldly realm.
The purpose of this book is to help provide a guidemap to those who may be facing a similar cognitive dissonance, and to those who are looking for validation of their glimpses. It is structured in four sections, designed to guide you through the magic of lessons learned in mystical experience.
The book is intended as a “traveler’s companion” to help guide psychonauts in their journeys through mystical experience, as they approach the age-old question “Why does Reality Exist?” and its mirror question, “Why do I exist?” Eluding to revelatory ideas revealed through mystical experience, the book conveys messages through images, parables, and essays.
Exploring the wonders of the mind, the book travels through ideas covered in both waking state, altered states of consciousness, dreaming, hypnosis, near-death experience, religious ecstasy, and spiritual awakening. The intent is to help readers integrate the timeless messages of the “other worlds” within a larger perspective of Mind, Time, Self, and Reality.
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