Why Does Reality Exist?

Mystical Experience, Spiritual Awakening, and Divine Consciousness


“Our normal waking consciousness . . . is but one special type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted from it by the flimsiest of screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different. We may go through life without suspecting their existence; but apply the requisite stimulus and at a touch they are all there in all their completeness . . . No account of the universe in its totality can be final which leaves these other forms of consciousness quite disregarded.”

~ William James, Varieties of Religious Experience

The world is perceived through the mind in different states of consciousness. Through this prism of the Mind, we come to form an understanding of the relationship between Self and World. Dissolving past the dichotomies of “subject” and “object”, “in here” and “out there” in mystical experience, we can encompass a broader reality that opens the Mind to the infinity of the Divine. Perhaps through this new worldview lens, we can better approach time’s immemorial question: “Why does Reality Exist?”, and its sister question: “Why do I exist?”


Having been gifted with over twenty years of lucid dreaming, numerous mystical experiences, and a personal connection to NDEs, Alex is a student first and a teacher second to life’s “big questions”. 

While Alex studied and graduated at Dartmouth College, he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Earth Sciences, leading to him re-discovering the joy behind nature’s existence. His first book Why does Reality Exist? is his attempt at teaching the product of his experiences trying to uncover the riddle behind the world’s existence.


With the prevalence of anxiety and spiritual disillusionment in society, we search for new worldviews to better inform our connection between Self and world. In Why does Reality Exist?, Alex presents aspects central to esoteric mystical teachings in a way that is accessible for the introductory audience. The goal of his work is always to empower the reader to explore questions within themselves, as opposed to looking outside themselves for authority.


Alex routinely delivers tailored content, his most popular topics include:

  • Mystical experience, spiritual awakening, and divine consciousness. A new book presents a guide to the wonders of your mind and explores why reality exists.
  • Your existence is the most incredible science-fiction story ever told. And “Reality” mirrors the prism from which it is only ever projected out of experience in your life.
  • Open yourself to the ecstasy of your existence, the miracle of being alive, with Alex Berkeley’s Psychonaut’s guide to the wonders of your mind. 
  • Awakening to the miracle of existence, there is no uninteresting answer to the question, “Why does Reality Exist?” What is yours?
  • The Book, Why Does Reality Exist? invites you to think about your existence and learn more about mystical experiences, spiritual awakenings, and divine consciousness.

If you are interested in learning more about how Alex would be an ideal fit and inspiration for your audience, please reach out to us today.


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One More Thing Before You Go